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Why Online Booking is the New Standard in Dentistry

Written by Shelley Withington | Oct 1, 2024 12:33:43 PM

In today's digital age, convenience and efficiency are more important than ever. Patients no longer want to wait on hold or navigate through phone trees to schedule an appointment. They expect seamless, 24/7 access to services, dental care is no exception. If your practice doesn't offer online booking, you're not just missing out on a fancy 'trending' feature – you're falling behind. 

Shift in Patient Expectations 

Patient expectations have evolved dramatically. Today’s patients are used to managing their lives online – from shopping and banking to booking travel, ordering food, and even tracking sleep cycles. The dental industry is no different. According to our recent white paper, over 72% of patients said their practice offered online booking, with over three-quarters of this group (76.1%) rating the appointment booking process as 4 or 5 out of 5. In practices where patients indicated no online booking, only 59% of patients rated the booking process as 4 or 5 out of 5. If your practice doesn’t offer this convenience, you risk losing these patients to competitors who do.

Online Booking is Setting the Benchmark for Modern Practices 

Online booking is no longer a luxury or an add-on; it’s necessary. Here’s why: 

  • 24/7 Accessibility: Patients can book appointments whenever, even outside of office hours. This convenience is crucial for busy individuals who may not have time to call during the day. Our data show that 47% of bookings are made outside of business hours. 
  • Improved Patient Experience: Offering online booking enhances the patient experience by providing a seamless and user-friendly way to manage appointments. Happy patients are more likely to return and recommend your practice to others. 
  • Increased Efficiency: Online booking reduces the administrative burden on your staff. Fewer phone calls mean your team can focus on providing exceptional care rather than managing schedules. 
  • Reduced No-Shows: Automated reminders and easy rescheduling options help ensure patients keep their appointments, reducing the rate of no-shows and maximising your practice’s productivity. 
Addressing Concerns – Will My Diary Fill with Less Profitable Appointments? 

 One common concern we hear is, "Won't my diary fill with cheap checkups, leaving no time for more profitable treatments?" It's important to understand that this concern is largely unfounded. If you believe that online booking will flood your schedule with "cheap" checkups, you are wrong. Here’s why: 

  • Appointment Management: Online booking platforms allow you to categorise and prioritise diverse types of appointments. You can set specific slots for high-value treatments, ensuring these are not overshadowed by routine checkups. 
  • Pre-Appointment Screening: By gathering essential patient information through pre-appointment forms, you can better identify and prioritise potentially high-value appointments. 
  • Optimised Scheduling: Using data-driven insights, you can strategically plan your schedule to balance distinct types of appointments, ensuring best profitability and efficiency. 
Embrace the Future or Get Left Behind 

The dental industry is rapidly evolving, and practices must adapt to stay competitive. Online booking is a crucial step in this evolution. If you're still relying solely on phone bookings, you’re clinging to an outdated model that frustrates patients and hinders growth.  

By embracing online booking, you position your practice as forward-thinking and patient centric. It’s not just about keeping up with trends; it’s about setting a new standard in patient care. The future of dentistry is here, and it’s digital. 

Getting Started with Online Booking 

Implementing online booking in your practice is straightforward with the right tools and support. Here’s how to get started: 

  • Promote the Feature: Inform your patients about the new booking option through emails, social media, and in-office signage. Highlight the convenience and benefits of encouraging adoption. 
  • Train Your Staff: Ensure your team is comfortable with the new system and can aid patients who have questions or need help navigating the online booking process. 
  • Monitor and Optimise: Regularly review the usage and effectiveness of the online booking system. Gather feedback from patients and staff to make necessary adjustments and improvements. 

Online booking is not an optional extra; it's an essential part of a modern, efficient, and patient-focused practice. By adopting this standard, you not only meet patient expectations but also enhance your operational efficiency and competitive edge. Don’t let your practice fall behind. Embrace the future with Software of Excellence and make online booking a cornerstone of practice success. 

Is your practice ready to take the next step? Contact us today to learn more about implementing online booking and transforming your patient experience.