SAVE THE DATE for the Good to Great Event
Good to Great Event 2018 – June 8th 2018
Dentists and their teams interested in growing and developing their business skills are being invited to put a red ring round Friday, 8th June this year, when the inaugural Good to Great Event will take place. This event offers an exclusive, interactive forum full of hands-on, individualised support and advice, designed to help dentists run better businesses, wherever they are on their journey. This business-building event will focus on how the entire practice team needs to work together to run a more efficient practice, filled with patients benefitting from high-quality clinical care.
Taking place on Friday 8th June at the Park Plaza, Victoria, London, the Good to Great Event brings together some of the industry’s leading professionals in the area of dental practice growth who will advise, nurture and recommend individualised plans to help your practice flourish.
Lectures – 30-minute presentations, given by dental and non-dental experts, will provide an insight into how to improve various aspects of the dental practice, from business success stories, to the importance of customer service and the patient journey
Bite-Sized Best Practice – 15-minute sessions of short, sharp advice from industry leading experts, including topics such as the journey of marketing, how to grow the practice through cosmetics or digitisation, empowering the team and sharing solutions to the most common practice management headaches
Business Zones – enter any one of the seven business zones to find all the help a dentist might need to take the business from Good to Great. Each zone will have a variety of experts, including Henry Schein Dental, Dental Circle, MediHoldings, Henry Schein Business Solutions, Milkshake Dental Marketing, Optident, ADAM, and Software of Excellence, each with the industry expertise required to give the dentist sound business advice
Bespoke business plan for each practice – each practice that pre-registers for the Good to Great Event will receive a bespoke business plan
After a day of learning, what better way to exchange experiences with fellow professionals, and encourage a team spirit, than at the legendary Dental Circle Party, to be held at Vauxhall Arches (10 mins from the Park Plaza). All delegates* from the Good to Great Event are offered tickets at a reduced rate.